Genetics and Newborn Screening Advisory Council (GNSAC)


Upcoming Genetics and Newborn Screening Advisory Council Meeting

When: Thursday, Feb. 20, 2025, starting at 1:30pm & Friday, Feb. 21, 2025, starting at 9:30am.

Where: In Person at Division of Children’s Medical Services, Koger Center-Alexander Building, Tallahassee, FL 32301.


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GNSAC Information 

Section 383.14(5), Florida Statutes, establishes a 15 member advisory council, which meets at least semiannually or upon the call of the chairperson. The Council is charged with advising the Department of Health relating to:

    1. Conditions for which testing should be included under the screening program and the genetics program. Within one year after a condition is added to the federal Recommended Uniform Screening Panel, the council shall consider whether the condition should be included under the state’s screening program.
    2. Procedures for collection and transmission of specimens and recording results.
    3. Methods whereby screening programs and genetics services for children now provided or proposed to be offered in the state may be more effectively evaluated, coordinated, and consolidated.


The Genetics and Newborn Screening Advisory Council (GNSAC) membership enlists a large array of expertise ranging from pediatricians, audiologists, representatives from each of the four medical schools in this state, pediatric hematologist, the Florida Hospital Association, as well as executive representation from the Florida Department of Health. Each member, appointed by the State Surgeon General, serves a term of four years.

As outlined in Statutes, the council membership shall be composed of:

The State Surgeon General or their designee

  • Kenneth Scheppke, MD, FAEMS

One representative from the Department of Health’s Children’s Medical Services


One representative from the Florida Hospital Association

  • Lindsay Kahn, DO

Three practicing pediatricians, at least one of whom must be a pediatric hematologist

  • Barry Byrne, MD
  • Tamara New, MD, FAAP

One individual representing audiologists

  • Stacy Dickson, AuD, CCC-A

A representative from each of four medical schools in this state

  • Dorothy Shulman, MD – USF
  • Gary Kleiner, MD, PhD – UM
  • *Roberto Zori, MD – UF
  • Jane Gibson, MS, PhD, FACMG – UCF

Two consumer members

  • George Fox
  • Alexis Larrea

One individual with experience in newborn screening programs

  • Tenesha Avent, March of Dimes

One representative from the Agency for Persons with Disabilities

  • Chrishonda Jenkins



Genetics and Newborn Screening Advisory Council Statistics

*This report is updated prior to each GNSAC meeting


Past Meetings