What does a negative (in-range) result mean?
A “negative,” “in-range,” or “normal” result means the baby’s blood test did not show any signs of the conditions included on the newborn screening pane
In terms of the early hearing detection testing and CCHD screening, an in-range or negative result is often referred to as “passing.”
In most states, parents are only contacted in the event of a “positive” result. Parents who have not received screening results should contact their baby’s primary health care provider to confirm the results were negative.
What does a positive (out-of-range) result mean?
A “positive,” or “out-of-range,” or “abnormal” result could mean your baby is at risk of having one or more of the conditions included on the newborn screening panel. But this finding is not final. In fact, most babies with positive results do not have the suspected condition, which is why follow-up testing must be performed immediately to determine if a disease is actually present. If a positive result is confirmed by follow-up testing, the baby’s primary health care provider or the Newborn Screening Follow-up Program will inform parents of the next steps to take. Because of the serious nature of the conditions on the newborn screening panel, it is important to follow directions quickly and carefully. The sooner follow-up testing is completed, the sooner treatment can begin on a baby with a confirmed condition. This will help to ensure the best possible outcome for the baby.
A “positive” or “out-of-range” early detection hearing exam is often referred to as “not passing.” This means the newborn hearing screen could not determine if the baby could hear or not. In the event of such a result, the child will be referred to an audiologist for further testing to determine hearing loss, if any.