Order Specimen Resources
A 3-month supply of cards will be shipped per request based on the amount of specimen cards submitted to the Florida Newborn Screening Laboratory. Extra cards will be provided for a reasonable amount of unsuccessful collections. Please submit the next order for cards about 2 weeks before the third month is up or when the card supply is only enough for about 2-3 weeks. Allow 4-7 days for the shipment to arrive. Only one unit or department will be allowed to place the order for each birthing facility or clinic. Shipments of envelopes have been discontinued. The biohazard shield on the card must cover the specimen when it is completely dry.
The Bureau of Public Health Laboratory in Jacksonville drop ships specimen cards to collection facilities on a quarterly basis. If a facility does not qualify for drop shipment or needs more cards prior to the next shipment, please complete an order form for newborn screening specimen cards.