EHDI Advisory Committee Information


Early Hearing Detection and Intervention Advisory Committee

The EHDI Advisory Committee collaborates with state and federal partners to achieve the guidelines of the Universal Newborn Hearing Screening grant received by the Department from the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA).

This committee is composed of stakeholders that reflect the comprehensive EHDI system, including health care professionals, parents/families of deaf or hard of hearing children, individuals that are deaf or hard of hearing, as well as various state program representatives. The objective of this committee is to provide advice to the grant recipient on potential mechanisms to achieve project goals, strategies, and objectives.

Early Hearing Detection and Intervention Advisory Committee Members



Jessica Meyer

Florida Department of Health, Children’s Medical Services, Early Steps Program

Gail Strassel

Florida School for the Deaf and Blind

Suzanne Younker, AuD

Florida Academy of Audiology (FLAA)

Anna Simmons

Healthy Start

June Ann LeFors

Individual Representing the Deaf and Hard of Hearing Community

Jennifer Francisco

Individual Representing the Deaf and Hard of Hearing Community


Individual Representing the Deaf and Hard of Hearing Community

Walter Niles

Office of Minority Health and Health Equity

Dr. Cedric Pritchett


Terri Fisk

Parent Representative

Karen Flanagan

Parent Representative

Dr. Kathleen Rooney-Otero

Pediatric Champion

Dr. Karen Brennhofer

Screening Company

Dr. Robert Fifer, PhD

Leadership Education

Join us for a meeting

EHDI Advisory Council meetings are open to the public. Meeting notices will be announced once arranged by Florida Department of Health Newborn Screening | Early Hearing Detection and Intervention Program.