2024 Monthly Reports
Monthly Unsatisfactory Specimen Collection and Transit Time Reports:
The monthly Unsatisfactory Specimen Collection Rates and Transit Time Reports are available by the end of the following month (ie: July’s report will be available after the 31th of August):
2023 Monthly Reports
Monthly Unsatisfactory Specimen Collection and Transit Time Reports:
The monthly Unsatisfactory Specimen Collection Rates and Transit Time Reports are available by the end of the following month (ie: July’s report will be available after the 31th of August):
2022 Monthly Reports
Monthly Unsatisfactory Specimen Collection and Transit Time Reports:
The monthly Unsatisfactory Specimen Collection Rates and Transit Time Reports are available by the end of the following month (ie: July’s report will be available after the 31th of August):
2021 Monthly Reports
Monthly Unsatisfactory Specimen Collection and Transit Time Reports:
The monthly Unsatisfactory Specimen Collection Rates and Transit Time Reports are available by the end of the following month (ie: July’s report will be available after the 31th of August):
2020 Monthly Reports
Monthly Unsatisfactory Specimen Collection and Transit Time Reports:
The monthly Unsatisfactory Specimen Collection Rates and Transit Time Reports are available by the end of the following month (ie: July’s report will be available after the 31th of August):